
Rebelling Against Tradition:
The Science Behind Force-Free Training for the Traumatized Equine
Traditional horsemanship methods typically focus on being the boss of the horse, but what if there were kinder ways? Ways where you didn't have to focus on being in control? A way where your horse wants to work WITH you instead of for you? Going into the study of the equine brain and exploring the behavior of these magnificent animals, Mackenzie Wilde takes her lifetime of horse experience to show you there are kinder ways of doing things. With dozens of scenarios to demonstrate, you'll learn the science behind trauma in horses, ways to navigate challenging situations, and how to better understand your four-legged friend! Each chapter contains a summary of the content along with a question to get your brain thinking, not to mention personal experiences from the author herself! There's no such thing as a bad horse, just a horse who hasn't been taught.
Beneath the Surface:
A Memoir
I wanted to die. She was the perfect horse to finish the job. Aggressive, dangerous, and unpredictable, it was only a matter of time before she helped me take my final breath. Little did I know what that wild mustang was capable of, as she was just as stubborn as me. Stubborn enough to make me see life from an entirely different perspective.

Horse Training Journal
Looking for a way to document your horse's training? Wilde Child Horsemanship has created a journal JUST for you!! In this horse training journal, you can:
- Document farrier visits, vet visits, and more
- Set goals for you and your equine partner
- Record your training sessions
And so much more!!
Find Your Fight:
Trauma Recovery in Horses and Humans
Working with trauma for both horses and humans can be quite a complex matter, as everyone responds to trauma differently. Trauma impacts one's life in a way that can sometimes seem irreparable, but there is hope for healing. "Find Your Fight" is all about understanding the science behind horrific circumstances, techniques to use throughout the healing journey, comparing the horse/human recovery process, and learning how to live a healthy life after enduring traumatic experiences.